Fun =D
If this is your first flash, I must say: Congrazz. This is really fun, the graphics could've been a bit better, and different levels or so would have been nice, but I like it. Keep it up!
Fun =D
If this is your first flash, I must say: Congrazz. This is really fun, the graphics could've been a bit better, and different levels or so would have been nice, but I like it. Keep it up!
Thanks dude I'll try and make some more games :)
At least not senseless crap.
Yeah, this was... okay. I think the score if completely fair. But I would recommend adding things like PowerUps. Would make this game a lot nicer.
Yeah.. i thought about power-ups.. Then i realised that there is no real way of controlling the smiley. This would probably frustrate alot of people who couldn't get the power-up because it was somewhere unreachable.
But hey.. if you have any ideas on how to do this, good, you're more than welcome.
Lool... Really, really mean...
It was funny, but it shouldn't be on NG. ;)
awww =(
Someone who isn't able to code well shouldn't make a tutorial. Your code will speed down the whole flash. "_x = _x+30"... this is.. horrible! "_x+=30", eh?
But it looked good, so: 1 star.
this._x = this._x + 20;
for beginners this is the best way cause it shows whats going on clearly.
beginners shouldn't use short hand code.
this._x += 20; is confusing.
And the way I showed, doesnt slow down games I make... maybe if your making a 5 gig game... but games that are under 2 meg.. it wont do a thing.
It's simply a remake
This is not your own idea. It's based on the helicopter game.
Please try to come up with your own ideas.
True it is not an original game idea. Actually I based it on a game I had on my mobile called SFCave. There are many games of this type - the helicopter game was not the first!
This would be an awesome game, if.... would set up the FPS. This game is totally crappy at the moment, only because of this horrible low FPS. Set it up and reupload! Then I'll vote 5! But for now I gave you a 1.
Ok, i've made the frame rate much faster - but the instructions are less readble!
Have a nice day! :)
Age 31, Male
Vienna, AU
Joined on 3/10/06